Drilling operations face safety and operational challenges, but an invisible contributing factor that can hinder operations is the weather. Operators can plan for weather related downtime but ArticuLock® allows them to help mitigate against the, often unavoidable, downtime associated with weather.
ArticuLock® is a simple and robust tool capable of opening up weather windows for installing subsea equipment by eliminating bending stress from rigid subsea deployment landing strings or stabilising equipment against currents.
ArticuLock® is based on a ball and socket concept that has been intelligently engineered with a seal stack arrangement to provide hydraulic sealing capability up to 5000psi.
With a torque mechanism to provide 30kftlbs of torque rating ArticuLock® has a selectable, lockable sleeve to secure the tool in a rigid axial position in the locked position, while also providing +/-15deg of articulation in any orientation when in the unlocked position. ArticuLock® is an easy to utilise solution for elimination bending stress and fatigue.
Expro's ArticuLock® technology provides open-water, riser, casing or landing string articulation, even in extreme conditions to:
Technical features:
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