Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

The wells and surface flow management experts
As the energy industry embraces transition, we believe the key enablers to change will be those who can differentiate themselves as solution providers.  At every level of the energy collection process, Expro strives to work together with our customers to develop and deploy the right solutions to help contribute to a lower-carbon world.

We are committed to reducing our own carbon footprint and assisting our clients in achieving their carbon reduction targets by utilizing data, technology, and innovation. Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) refers to a group of technologies that capture CO2 and transport it for permanent storage in geological formations or for commercial use. CCUS is now recognized as a key enabler of net-zero [1] and the industry is gaining momentum as governments start to integrate it as an essential part of future energy systems.

Expro understands the significance of CCUS and has the technologies, expertise, and vision to assist its clients in their transition to a decarbonized future.  With a rich heritage and broad portfolio, we can connect the dots along the value chain to allow the rapid and widespread adoption of CCUS.

Expro’s products and services offer solutions for the testing, construction and operations of CO2 storage wells and we believe that we are ready to expand our portfolio to meet the demands of tomorrow.

"As market leaders in Well Flow Management, we have been supporting CCUS globally for over 10 years and have gained invaluable experience in executing operations with excellent results.  Notably, the support we delivered to the Gorgon and Northern Lights projects in Norway and Australia respectively, have enabled our customers to optimize operations, save costs and progress with field development plans."

Through industry collaboration and technology developments, we provide unique solutions for the challenges of tomorrow.  We deliver energy integrity and help drive transformational change for a net-zero future.

[1] – International Energy Agency (IEA), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change Committee (CCC)


We are the partners of choice for your CCUS wells and surface flow challenges.
Talk to your local CCUS team of experts to benefit from decades of market leading experience, and reliable, trusted technology and engineering know-how, to help maximize your operational performance in an effort to deliver success.  We are your trusted partner, bringing transparency and dependable support and operational excellence.

Well Construction

Innovative, high value, low risk well construction solutions provider with a focus on operational efficiency and well integrity.

Our portfolio of products and services, from drilling technologies to tubular running services, are designed to improve your geothermal drilling performance and drill pipe handling in harsh environments.

This includes award-winning, record-breaking technology that we are continually improving with our in-house research and development teams and safety-focused manufacturing and metallurgical facilities.

Well Flow Management

Proficiently gathering valuable well and reservoir data, with regard for well-site safety and environmental impact.

Expro is one of the most experienced international well test companies in the world, offering our customers the complete range of mobile systems and specialist services, delivering quality data and operational efficiency for your CCUS operation.

Well Intervention & Integrity

Deployment, insight and enhancement solutions to enable reservoir and well surveillance, production optimization and asset integrity.

Subsea Well Access

Marketing leading technology provider, supporting safe well access and optimized production.

Providing reliable, efficient and cost effective well access system throughout the lifecycle of the well.

The information contained in these items contain statements of a forward-looking nature.  Please see our Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements page.

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Contact Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)