Customer challenges
- Major operator in Alaska required >5,000 ft of TCP guns – in 20 ft single lengths to be run in the well, taking >24 hours to assemble during deployment
Expro Excellence
- Expro’s teams value-engineered each step of the assembly process
- The team proactively identified duplication of steps, which led to a redesign of the lifting equipment being used
- The combined clamp became the primary lifting mechanism, therefore required load-carrying ability to support the entire string weight during assembly and deployment – Expro designed it to carry sufficient load, while maintaining the profiles of the current safety plate and lift sub to fit commercial equipment
- By combining the safety plate with the lift sub, the number of handling steps was reduced when assembling and deploying into the hole
- Expro's coordinated approach to rapid deployment expedited engineering design, supply chain, manufacturing and logistics for operations to complete the final field test
Value to client
- Opportunities for improvement were identified and implemented by Expro personnel
- Removed unnecessary duplication of steps saved time and money
- Rapid design and development of a combination lift sub-safety plate
- Reduced risk to personnel: less fatigue due attributed to shorter working hours; minimised potential for slips/trips/falls moving equipment up and down the rig floor; reduced risk for ergonomic issues from repetitive motion
- Saved 13 hours of rig time, estimated at $25,000 (USD)