Expro Excellence
Wireless Well Solutions
Wireless Monitoring of interference effects from appraisal wells in Cyprus helps shape field development strategy
Customer challenges
  • A major operator in Cyprus aimed to reduce reservoir uncertainties by instrumenting an abandoned subsea well with a wireless monitoring system, transforming it into a high-value subsurface data monitoring asset. This initiative was designed to capture future interference testing data from subsequent appraisal wells, scheduled for drilling in 12 months’ time
  • The wireless monitoring system was intended to:
  • Provide Long-Term Monitoring: Enable continuous monitoring for more than 5 years, covering any drilling or well testing activities that may occur within the location
  • Record Tidal Data: Measure and record location-specific tidal data, ensuring the subsurface team has comprehensive reservoir and tidal data sets for incorporation into reservoir models
  • Support Strategic Decision-Making: Deliver accurate reservoir and tidal data to support and de-risk strategic, high-value decision-making associated with the field development plan
Expro Excellence
  • Expro installed a dual downhole system In order to measure the wellbore pressure gradient to monitor the swap-out of completion fluids with the reservoir fluids and establish the reservoir fluid gradient
  • The gauges for the well were pre-programmed with data transmission to give 5 years of monitoring
  • Shallow and deep-set cement plugs were set to provide the necessary barriers in the well
  • A CaTS subsea receiver was mounted on the side of the well debris cap to provide easy access to data via a PSV
Value to client
  • Enhanced Monitoring: Utilized an abandoned subsea well as a data monitoring asset for optimal well integrity and performance. Providing 5+ years of accurate data for the client
  • Removed Reservoir Uncertainties: Enhanced ability to reduce reservoir uncertainties through advanced monitoring and data collection
  • Interference Testing Data: Collected valuable data during interference testing from an appraisal well
  • Long-Term Monitoring: Provide long-term monitoring data for better planning and analysis
  • Comprehensive Data Sets: Provided Access to comprehensive tidal and reservoir data sets for improved reservoir modeling
  • Support Strategic Decisions: Support and de-risked strategic and high-value decision-making associated with the field development plan
  • Efficient Installation: Achieve efficient installation of downhole and subsea equipment with single-run operations and ROV assistance
  • Real-Time Data: Enabled real- time data transmission, decoding and storing transmissions from gauges
  • Customer Readiness: Prepare data for immediate upload at the customer’s request, ensuring timely access to critical information

Wireless Monitoring of interference effects from appraisal wells in Cyprus helps shape field development strategy

In Brief
A wireless system transformed an abandoned well into a data asset, providing long-term monitoring, tidal data, and strategic reservoir insight
Product Line
  • Wireless Well Solutions
Europe and Sub Saharan Africa
Customer challenges
  • A major operator in Cyprus aimed to reduce reservoir uncertainties by instrumenting an abandoned subsea well with a wireless monitoring system, transforming it into a high-value subsurface data monitoring asset. This initiative was designed to capture future interference testing data from subsequent appraisal wells, scheduled for drilling in 12 months’ time
  • The wireless monitoring system was intended to:
  • Provide Long-Term Monitoring: Enable continuous monitoring for more than 5 years, covering any drilling or well testing activities that may occur within the location
  • Record Tidal Data: Measure and record location-specific tidal data, ensuring the subsurface team has comprehensive reservoir and tidal data sets for incorporation into reservoir models
  • Support Strategic Decision-Making: Deliver accurate reservoir and tidal data to support and de-risk strategic, high-value decision-making associated with the field development plan
Expro Excellence
  • Expro installed a dual downhole system In order to measure the wellbore pressure gradient to monitor the swap-out of completion fluids with the reservoir fluids and establish the reservoir fluid gradient
  • The gauges for the well were pre-programmed with data transmission to give 5 years of monitoring
  • Shallow and deep-set cement plugs were set to provide the necessary barriers in the well
  • A CaTS subsea receiver was mounted on the side of the well debris cap to provide easy access to data via a PSV
Value to client
  • Enhanced Monitoring: Utilized an abandoned subsea well as a data monitoring asset for optimal well integrity and performance. Providing 5+ years of accurate data for the client
  • Removed Reservoir Uncertainties: Enhanced ability to reduce reservoir uncertainties through advanced monitoring and data collection
  • Interference Testing Data: Collected valuable data during interference testing from an appraisal well
  • Long-Term Monitoring: Provide long-term monitoring data for better planning and analysis
  • Comprehensive Data Sets: Provided Access to comprehensive tidal and reservoir data sets for improved reservoir modeling
  • Support Strategic Decisions: Support and de-risked strategic and high-value decision-making associated with the field development plan
  • Efficient Installation: Achieve efficient installation of downhole and subsea equipment with single-run operations and ROV assistance
  • Real-Time Data: Enabled real- time data transmission, decoding and storing transmissions from gauges
  • Customer Readiness: Prepare data for immediate upload at the customer’s request, ensuring timely access to critical information

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