24th January 2022

The expandable technology designed to unlock greater commercial value by maximising production from existing wells, developed by Coretrax, has successfully been deployed in the Middle East for the first time.

The global well integrity and production optimisation leader’s Reline WL is a one-trip, wireline deployed straddle system to address common well integrity issues, which delivers significant operational efficiencies for operators.

Reline WL is proven to deliver a 700% greater flow area when compared to traditional straddles, securing safety and sustainability benefits by reducing the number of onsite personnel required to complete the work.

Deployed to support a major Saudi operator, the expandable technology was brought in when water ingress on a producing well led to decreased oil recovery. Following detailed well analysis, two Reline WL 28ft straddles were deployed on e-line, enabling the operator to isolate several perforation intervals to shut off water production zones.

Compared to traditional tools, the Reline WL’s outer diameter (OD) allowed the system to pass through restrictions before they were expanded and set at almost 7,000ft. The tool delivered a large post-expansion inner diameter, providing maximum production conduit to surface over conventional options.

The well was successfully brought back online with a 31% reduction in water production and additional oil production of 1,400bbls/day. With the requirement for surface water management also reduced the application also significantly reduced the operator’s carbon footprint.

John Fraser, chief executive officer said: “The Middle East is a key growth area for Coretrax and the first deployment of our Reline WL in the region is a significant milestone for the business as we continue to enhance our technology portfolio to support the most complex well integrity challenges. As operators remain focused on maximising recovery efficiently and sustainably, our expandable technology is ideally placed to support this demand.

“The Reline WL already has a proven track record in North America and I’m excited to see this successfully deployed in the Middle East for the first time. As we head into 2022, we already have a healthy pipeline of projects in the region and look forward to working closely with our customers to transform current well performance and deliver greater operational efficiencies.”

The technology, which is due to be deployed for a second time in the Gulf of Mexico later this year, allows operators to install a patch without creating a restriction, ultimately unlocking greater commercial value from their assets.

Available in various CRA materials, the tool can be configured to smart completion products such as autonomous inflow devices (AICDs) to enhance production by selectively eliminating gas and water production and provide a comprehensive workover solution.

The Reline WL has a high expansion ratio of 75% and is designed for stackability creating a longer, integrated straddle to be deployed, without losing ID. This also allows operators to gain access below if well intervention is required at a later date.

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