Our CoilHose™ Light Well Circulation System (LWCS) is an innovative development that we believe provides a lower cost, more efficient alternative to traditional coiled tubing systems and can lower our customers’ carbon footprint.
We delivered the world’s first successful nitrogen unloading of a subsea well for a client using our CoilHose Light Well Circulation System. CoilHose reduced health and safety risks and the operation’s carbon footprint. Its compact size reduced personnel on board and the number of transport trips to reduce carbon footprint.
CoilHose was run to a depth of 2,150 meters. The well was unloaded in seven hours.
A completed well had a column of brine in the main wellbore. A nitrogen gas lift was necessary to bring the well into production. Detailed planning in partnership with the client led to a ‘textbook’ deployment of CoilHose. The project was achieved safely and significantly ahead of time, reducing operational costs.
Using the latest generation of CoilHose meant only nine days of vessel time was required. This delivered a more compact operational footprint than traditional methods.
Just nine days were required from mobilization to demobilization, while rig up and deployment was much faster than for conventional intervention.
ColiHose's compact nature and small footprint meant fewer personnel on board compared to a coiled-tubing package. Fewer transport trips, smaller fluid volumes, and using the most highly efficient power generators provided additional benefits.
CoilHose is a proven useful tool for us to handle depleted reservoirs and can support our customers’ lower carbon targets.
We are proud to showcase our successful partnerships, technology developments, and strategic advances that support our clients, help our industry’s drive towards net zero, and contribute to our local communities.
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