I tried to work as hard as possible during week three and as a result, I am coming the end of my projects.
I spent a lot of time this week figuring out the best design for the SPE poster project I had been designated. I had to be sure the poster was informative but more eye-catching, whilst still remembering not to go too overboard! I settled on the theme of cogs – a link to engineering and the phrase ‘cogs turning’ when people are thinking. I started to sketch out some rough ideas before sending them to Graham, the team’s designer, to work on.
Next, I set my mind on another project. I had been asked to review Expro’s corporate brochure and propose ideas for a redesign. I reviewed it again and looked for any other changes I would like to make. I then started sketches of my ideas, which, much like the design for the SPE poster, involved a lot of trial and error!
With the end of the internship in sight, I’ve started to work on my final presentation. This has given me time to be quite nostalgic about my time at Expro. My first day only seemed like yesterday but looking back, I’ve managed to do quite a lot in just a month. The prospect of not having to get up early and come into work five days a week is now seeming a bit odd…!
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