International Women in Engineering Day 2024 - Linda Yeats

25th June 2024

Name: Linda Yeats 
Location: Dyce, Aberdeen  
Job Title: Engineering Manager – Subsea Mechanical products 

What did you do before working at Expro? 
I studied Mechanical and Offshore Engineering at Robert Gordons University, Aberdeen. After graduating I worked as a Design Engineer, working on open water connectors.

What does your job involve? 
Design, maintenance and qualification of subsea mechanical products.

Your Expro career so far?
I started in Expro in 2010 as a Mechanical Engineer in the Subsea projects team, moved to the mechanical products team and then became team lead for subsea Next Projects. I moved to my current role in January 2024. 

What advice would you give yourself at the start of your career? 
You will encounter people who have negative preconceived opinions about women in engineering however you can’t let that dictate your behaviours. As long as you work hard and to the best of your abilities you will prove any negative opinions wrong. 

What’s been your biggest career challenge so far?
I have previously struggled with managing people and would find it especially intimidating having to provide any negative feedback to the guys in my team. This has become much easier over time as I have people in my team and around me who provide support and advice when needed.   

Best moment so far in your Expro career?
Completing the qualification testing of the subsea shear and seal valve. 

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