SPE Offshore Europe 17: Self-motivation and great mentors – my career journey to date

6th September 2017

The early years of my oil and gas career were quite a whirl wind!  After joining in 2002 as a Well Test Engineer, I spent 2-4 months in different locations working in data acquisition, multiphase metering and drill stem testing.  This gave me an excellent grounding and well site experience, alongside exposure to different cultures and teams.

However it was hard working away from home, including one 7-week land job that stays in my memory – working and living in portable cabin accommodation.  Not the glamorous job everyone perceives it to be!

That said, I didn’t lose my passion for the industry and in October 2005, move to Aberdeen to expand my experience offshore.  Again it involved working long hours, often coming onshore to work in the office, but it paid off when I joined the Expro team in June 2012.

My work scope got broader, which meant I could embrace new opportunities within well integrity, petroleum and reservoir engineering. I soon realised I needed to increase my knowledge in Petroleum Engineering and took the bold step of discussing this with my current manager, Mark Cullen (Product Line Director), who encouraged me to pursue an MSc programme. With his support, Expro sponsored me through their educational assistance programme, so I could complete my degree with Heriot Watt University. My academic journey has been very fruitful and rewarding, and I very quickly applied many of the modules taught in my work projects. It very much reminded me of the saying, “a stitch in time saves nine”.

More recently I have focused on a range of production optimisation and petroleum engineering projects. As part of the Expro Group Integrated Services (EGIS) team, we deliver a range of well engineering studies globally, ranging from high pressure high temperature (HPHT) well analysis in Europe, through to perforation modelling and gun system comparisons in the North Africa. I really enjoying this, particularly working closer with our clients to address new challenges, including those that require a holistic approach to optimisation as part of the continuous production cycle. 

Since becoming a mother of three young children, balancing my career has become more difficult.  I’m also a singer in Aberdeen’s largest choir (Fountain of Love Church), so between work, family, academic studies and Church, it all requires a lot of motivation!  However my passion to succeed and the support I’ve been given, particularly from my manager, Mark, has kept me going.  To my mind, he truly is God sent.  I consider myself very fortunate to work for him – alongside my career to date.

Felicia is presenting at Expro’s SPE Offshore Europe stand 5D110. 5-8th September.  Full details, dates and times are available on our presentation flyer, or simply drop by the stand to speak with her.


Expro asked Mark Cullen, Felicia’s manager, to comment on his role in her career development……here’s what he said:

“I’ve worked in the industry for more years than I care to remember but it’s still a delight when colleagues, like Felicia, are motivated by continued learning, especially when the knowledge is subsequently applied! I also believe it’s important that managers should see themselves as facilitators of continued learning when resources permit, as it benefits everyone.”  

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