Carbon Capture

Installing future-forward solutions

Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) plays an important part of achieving global climate change goals.

Our well construction solutions can deliver optimum wellbore architecture to support the creation of long term CCU assets. Corrosion resistant and gas tight, Coretrax ReLine systems can allow for existing oil and gas wells to be converted for carbon capture, eliminating the need to drill dedicated CCUS wells.

ReLine MNS

ReLine MNS Restores Well Integrity by Addressing Casing Corrosion


  • We provide value to our customers by understanding their challenges and delivering responsible, innovative solutions.
  • We prioritise development of our people and technologies and value a culture based on delivering value, trust, collaboration, team work and sustainability.
  • We use our world leading expertise to deliver solutions that make a tangible impact for our customers.
  • We are passionate about continuously improving our business ensuring our efficiencies support our customers in reducing time and reducing carbon intensity in their well operations.

Collaborating for a sustainable future

Coretrax are members of the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group

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